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Embassy of Georgia to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia


 26 November 2024, participation in the Continental STEM Conference organized by AU, UNESCO and UNECA: Transforming Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Africa.

26 November 2024, participation in the Continental STEM Conference organized by AU, UNESCO and UNECA: Transforming Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Africa.

26 November 2024 - Mr. Gia Matcharadze, Chargé d’Affaires of Georgia to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Permanent Representative to the AU and Mr.Ruben Morgoshia, Senior Counselor of the Embassy, participated in Addis Ababa, at the Continental STEM Conference organized by the AU, UNESCO and UNECA: Transforming Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Africa .

On November 11, 2024 Gia Matcharadze, Chargé d’Affaires of Georgia to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Permanent Representative to the AU At the invitation of the British Ambassador, attended the annual Remembrance Day service at Commonwealth Military Cemetery.

On November 11, 2024 Gia Matcharadze, Chargé d’Affaires of Georgia to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Permanent Representative to the AU At the invitation of the British Ambassador, attended the annual Remembrance Day service at Commonwealth Military Cemetery.

On November 11, 2024 Gia Matcharadze, Chargé d’Affaires of Georgia to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Permanent Representative to the AU At the invitation of the British Ambassador, attended the annual Remembrance Day service at Commonwealth Military Cemetery.

On november 9  2024 , Mr. Gia Matcharadze, Chargé d’Affaires of Georgia to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Permanent Representative to the AU  was invited to a meeting organized by the African Union and the Kenyan Embassy in Addis Ababa on the occasion of the continental presentation of the vision of His Excellency Raila Amolo Odinga, Kenya's candidate for the African Union Chairpersonshipის კანდიდატის, მისი აღმატებულება რაილა ამოლო ოდინგას  კონტინენტური ხედვის პრეზენტაცია.

On november 9 2024 , Mr. Gia Matcharadze, Chargé d’Affaires of Georgia to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Permanent Representative to the AU was invited to a meeting organized by the African Union and the Kenyan Embassy in Addis Ababa on the occasion of the continental presentation of the vision of His Excellency Raila Amolo Odinga, Kenya's candidate for the African Union Chairpersonshipის კანდიდატის, მისი აღმატებულება რაილა ამოლო ოდინგას კონტინენტური ხედვის პრეზენტაცია.

On november 9 2024 , Mr. Gia Matcharadze, Chargé d’Affaires of Georgia to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Permanent Representative to the AU was invited to a meeting organized by the African Union and the Kenyan Embassy in Addis Ababa on the occasion of the continental presentation of the vision of His Excellency Raila Amolo Odinga, Kenya's candidate for the African Union Chairpersonship

 The meeting by the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia H.E  Dr. Gedeon Timothys

The meeting by the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia H.E Dr. Gedeon Timothys

On October 31, 2024 Mr. Gia Matcharadze, Chargé d’Affaires of Georgia to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Permanent Representative to the AU was invited to the meeting by the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia H.E Dr. Gedeon Timothys

 Green Legacy

Green Legacy

On July 6 , 2024 Gia Matcharadze, Chargé d’Affaires of Georgia to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Permanent Representative to the AU attended the Green Legacy Event, which takes place each year by the initiative of H.E. Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

Event held in Axum (Tigray Region)

Event held in Axum (Tigray Region)

On June 28-29, 2024, Gia Macharadze, the Permanent Representative of Georgia to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Permanent Representative to the African Union, visited diplomatic missions accredited in Ethiopia (Greece, Portugal, Finland, Uruguay, Brazil, France, Kazakhstan, India, Sri Lanka, Switzerland) and together with the heads of international organizations, the Ministry of Tourism of Ethiopia and the UNESCO office took part in an event held in Axum.